Wednesday, March 26, 2014

How to become aware of Teen Drug Use

How to know what goes into a Juvenile Progress Report

As a Probation Officer you will need to have frequent progress reports on the juveniles that are on your case load. You will interview and observe the probationers regularly to evaluate their progress in accomplishing their goals and maintaining their specified orders in their rehabilitation plans. You will need to include negative behavors and  positive behavors. It could be such like the juvenile cleaning garfetti off community property as community service or it could be a juvenile violating their probation, getting arrested, and ending up in juvenile detention. Depending on State, City, and County you are working for the types of progress reports and  the expectations of those progress reports may vary.
What to include:
  •  Progress areas ( future plans, short term and long term goals)
  •  Areas of needing improvement
  •  Medical and Mental health issues 
  •  Educational Progress and status               
  •  Only attach if necessary: Police reports, medical reports, drug test results, therapist results and     certificates
Make sure your report is factual, balanced, including all information, be clear, and non judgmental. The shorter the report the better. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

How to develop good Communication Skills

We use communication every day. Most of our days consist of communication. We rely on this element to deliver and receive signals and messages amongst one another, verbally and nonverbally.

You first need to have courage in what you think because it affects what you say. Some things may not be important to this person but may be important to the next person.

Practice your communication socially then to professionally. Engage your audience and make eye contact. Use gestures, but do not send mixed messages. Make sure your words, facial expressions, your tone, and your gestures match. Always be aware of what your body is saying. This is very important when you’re communicating professionally. 

 Pronounce your words correctly, speak clear and use the right words; do not use a word that you are unsure of the meaning. Use different tone periodically, be careful of the setting it may cause others to perceive differently. Lastly use the right volume and do not speak to fast or to slow.

Your communication needs to be affective towards the juveniles on your case load, when you appear in court, writing reports and while interacting with other professionals.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

How to get an Internship

Before this post I did not know much about internships or how to get an intern. So I would like to share some information on internships and then how to get one. It is something that I did not mention in my first post, on how to become a Probation Officer.

An intern is a student or a trainee that works without pay at a trade or occupation, to gain work experience. A internship is a pre professional work experience that provides students, recent graduates, to gain knowledge in their particular career field. Sometimes for students, the internship may earn them college credits. For the recent graduates, it is a way to try the job out without permanent placement and to give a real life experience. Receiving an internship gives everyone help on enhancing professional and personal development. Which may give you more confidence going into your career field.

You can get an internship, you first want to develop and have ready an effective resume and cover letter. Also, a list of references and a letter of recommendation. Then you will be ready to inquire about an internship by visiting your college career services or if your college has one, the Internship Programs Office. You can also go online to to apply and for more resources. This also applys to those who want to go out of state or country. Also, you may find opportunities in job ads and career fairs. Some employers are interested in free labor and there you would have an internship. With career fairs, ask about possibilities of an internship. You may have to give a minute or two speech on what you have to offer.

It would be nice to send thank you cards out to those who helped you get your internship!

I included a two minute video on how to prepare for an internship interview below